Agile to the power of Ro

Download last year’s survey report >>> Agile to the power of Ro, 2nd edition


This is the 3rd edition of the “Agile to the power of Ro” study.

You are taking part in mapping out a comprehensive snapshot of agility mindset and practices, across the Romanian business landscape.

Thank you for your involvement. You are awesome!

Time: ~ 15 minutes
Content: 22 questions

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Where did you find out about this study?

Where did you find out about this study?

About you - 5 questions
Tell us a few things to help calibrate the data.

1. What best describes your current role?*

1. What best describes your current role?*

2. Are you currently working in an Agile role?*

2. Are you currently working in an Agile role?*

3. What is the size of your organisation?*

3. What is the size of your organisation?*

4. What is your industry? (choose what best applies)*

4. What is your industry? (choose what best applies)*

5. Where are you located:*

5. Where are you located:*

Agile experience - 2 questions
Share with us a few details about your organisation's agile expertise and experience.

1. What agile methods and practices are present in your organisation? (percentages refer to approx. number of teams out of total teams)*

1. What agile methods and practices are present in your organisation? (percentages refer to approx. number of teams out of total teams)*

Not a practice
Less than 25%
More than 50%
Common practice
Project task board
Short iterations
Iterative planning
Daily standups
Iteration reviews
Regular retrospectives
Prioritised backlog / scope
Multidisciplinary team
Product/project ownership
Product boards
Kanban practices
Agile roadmap planning
Obeya room
Scaling Agile methods and approaches (any)

2. For how long have Agile practices been applied in your organisation?*

2. For how long have Agile practices been applied in your organisation?*

Agile way of working - 12 questions
Please provide details about the implementation of agility in your organization.

1. It is said that performant organisations do the right things, in the right way, at the right pace. What are the most obvious struggles of your organisation?*

1. It is said that performant organisations do the right things, in the right way, at the right pace. What are the most obvious struggles of your organisation?*

2. What is your organisation's competitive strategy? (choose the one that fits best)*

2. What is your organisation's competitive strategy? (choose the one that fits best)*

3. How is your organisation planning and delivering projects?*

3. How is your organisation planning and delivering projects?*

4. In how many initiatives / projects is an employee involved, on average, at any given moment in time?

4. In how many initiatives / projects is an employee involved, on average, at any given moment in time?

5. Generally, in your organisation... (choose what applies best)*

5. Generally, in your organisation... (choose what applies best)*

6. Exposing the employees to your organisation's business strategy happens...

6. Exposing the employees to your organisation's business strategy happens...

7. How often do teams in your organisation use retrospectives to improve their work, processes, interactions and results?*

7. How often do teams in your organisation use retrospectives to improve their work, processes, interactions and results?*

8. Are experiments and improvements prioritized along side projects and business requests?*

8. Are experiments and improvements prioritized along side projects and business requests?*

9. From how many sources (e.g. project backlogs) do you get your daily to-dos?*

9. From how many sources (e.g. project backlogs) do you get your daily to-dos?*

10. In your organization most employees work in...*

10. In your organization most employees work in...*

11. How often do dependencies negatively impact your work and deliverables?*

11. How often do dependencies negatively impact your work and deliverables?*

12. In your organisation... (choose what best applies for each statement)*

12. In your organisation... (choose what best applies for each statement)*

Teams decide "how" things are done.
Clients (internal or external) provide frequent feedback for deliverables and results.
We accept that estimations are very useful, yet inaccurate.
We prefer adjusting scope over postponing deadlines or adding more resources.
We avoid spending too much effort on freezing requirements and managing capacity.
There is a permanent concern of measuring and addressing waste (anything that does not bring value).
There is top down and bottom up transparency.
Adapting to change is easy.
When we plan, we align objectives and capacity.
Looking 2 years ahead - 3 questions
Share with us your thoughts about the future.

1. How much remote work do you think will happen in your organisation, in the future?*

1. How much remote work do you think will happen in your organisation, in the future?*

2. In your opinion the future of your organisation depends on...*

2. In your opinion the future of your organisation depends on...*

3. What should be the next steps in your organisation regarding business agility?

3. What should be the next steps in your organisation regarding business agility?

Thank you!
We will take it over from here. The study report will soon land in your inbox.
Take care!

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